Our Services
From start to finish, our friendly and expertly trained crews will leave you, your loved ones, and your friends mesmerized by our work ethic, grand painting practices, and our graceful finishes. If you are in search of the finest quality painting services in all of Central Florida, then you have arrived. Meet classy and chic. We are confident, that through our knowledge and years of expertise we will deliver the most beautiful painting experience you have ever seen.
Residential Painting Services
Exterior Painting
Exterior painting doesn’t just make sure your home looks its best, it also serves as the first line of defense against wind driven rain, scorching sun, unwanted pests, and the wear of time. Bausmann Painting of Winter Park, Florida is confident we have everything you need for a great new exterior coating for your home or business, from the highest quality materials to exceptionally trained crew, we are here to take the next step with you.
Interior Painting
We understand how important your home is to you, and our mission is to deliver the highest quality interior finishes which will protect and beautify your investment. Our highly trained crews provide a fast and reliable service which will drastically transform your home into a masterpiece. This is a long-lasting and durable application for protecting your home’s many interior finishes. From staining floors and ceilings to coating and painting doors and trim, we elegantly bring all of your desires to life. If you can think it, we can do it.
Commercial Painting Services
Our commercial exterior and interior painting applications offer a long-lasting and durable way to protect your building’s ceilings, walls and floors and serves as a great way to touch up its appearance and keep it looking new, refined and polished.
When it comes to the finest quality commercial coatings and finishes, we take the time to do things right the first time. It is of extreme importance to us that your investments are well cared for, that the duration of the coating will last a long time, and that we are making a positive impact on the investment of your building. We work hard to stay on the forefront of our industry and invest our time and energy into staying current. We are constantly training our employees, purchasing new equipment, hosting workshops, and trying out the latest products.
Property Maintenance & Upkeep
You know how important property maintenance is, however keeping up with it all can be challenging. That’s why you need Bausmann Painting to help you overcome these challenging obstacles. We create a property maintenance plan tailored to your needs. When you don’t have a plan, upkeep can be easily overlooked, and the consequences can be costly and even dangerous to your health and others. Simple routine maintenance and upkeep will increase your buildings curb appeal, keep the all residents happy and boost the morale of the neighborhood.
Property Maintenance Services We Provide:
Check for adverse weather damage to buildings. Most commonly in Florida you will notice that exterior walls will show signs of discoloration, the stucco begins to crack, the texture-spray begins to buckle, iron-oxide elements are present, the paint begins to oxidize (turns into a powdery substance), the surface is peeling, and mold and mildew begin to overtake the exterior. Each one of these scenarios can become a catastrophic problem in a short period of time. Fortunately, you have good friends in the business of making corrections and overseeing the well being of your buildings and its occupants. The consultation is free and we would be more than happy to help, even if it is just for friendly advice.
Complete List of Services
Residential Painting
Commercial Painting
Interior Painting
Exterior Painting
Faux Finishes
Mural Painting
Wood Painting
Custom Finishes
Theme Painting
Restoration Painting
Luxury Painting
House Glazing
Epoxy and Metallic Flooring
Hardwood Flooring
Ceramic Tile Flooring
Resin Flooring
Property Maintenance and Upkeep
Commercial Property Maintenance
Home Maintenance
Routine Maintenance
Remodeling Services
Cabinet Refinishing
Commercial Coatings
Roof Coatings
Level 5 Primer Resurfacing
Custom Homes
Historic Homes
Door Restoration
Wallpaper Removal
Drywall Removal
Popcorn Ceiling Removal